ENG Genealogical Database
For further information, contact:
Lola L. Pigott
1439 Dorset Lane
Charleston, SC 29407
The ENG genealogical database can be searched several ways:
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- View information for the following individuals:
- John, ( - )
- Johnson, Rosamund (ABT 1623 - )
- Jones, Henry ( - )
- Joyce, Julia (1844 - )
- Joyce, Richard (ABT 1824 - )
- Keeping, John (ABT 1738 - )
- Kelland, John ( - )
- Kelland, Susanna (ABT 1622 - )
- Kennard, Elizabeth ( - )
- Kennard, Son 1 ( - )
- Kennard, Stanley Bruce (21 OCT 1855 - )
- Kilrington, Alice ( - )
- King, Sarah (ABT 1797 - )
- Kirkeby, Isabelle (ABT 1403 - )
- Kirkham, Nicholas ( - )
- Knollys, Francis ( - )
- Lacy, William ( - )
- Lake, Esther (ABT 1776 - )
- Lane, Arthur Lister (28 SEP 1858 - 18 JUN 1867)
- Lane, Joseph (ABT 1751 - )
- Lane, Menina Mary ( - 20 AUG 1864)
- Lane, Minnie Florence Newton ( - 13 AUG 1937)
- Lane, Newton John (25 NOV 1828 - 5 FEB 1869)
- Langdon, Husband ( - )
- Langdon, John ( - )
- Langdon, Wilhelma (ABT 1340 - )
- Langstaff, Sarah (ABT 1630 - )
- Langtry, Jane (ABT 1706 - )
- Larder, Edmond ( - )
- Laroche, Elizabeth ( - )
- Laroche, John ( - )
- Laroche, John ( - )
- Leighton, Elizabeth (ABT 1644 - )
- Leighton, Thomas (ABT 1603 - )
- Leighton, Thomas (ABT 1623 - )
- Leighton, Thomas (1670 - )
- Lewis, James Baker (ABT 1818 - )
- Lewis, James Longdon (ABT 1798 - )
- Ley, Dorothy Hay ( - )
- Ley, John ( - )
- Light, Emma (1846 - )
- Light, Thomas (ABT 1787 - )
- Light, William (ABT 1826 - )
- Lloyd, Sarah (ABT 1802 - )
- Lock, Mary (ABT 1807 - )
- Long, Anne ( - )
- Lovecraft, George ( - )
- Lovecraft, Joseph ( - )
- Lower, Henry Martin ( - )
- Lucas, James (ABT 1733 - )
- Lush, Jane (ABT 1796 - )
- Lutley, Alexander Martin (1844 - )
- Lutley, James ( - )
- Luttrell, Husband ( - )
- Luttrell, James ( - )
- Lygon, Cecily ( - )
- Machen, Amelia Mary (1877 - 16 JUN 1957)
- Malet, Joan ( - )
- Malet, Michael ( - )
- Mallett, Mary ( - )
- Manners, Elinora ( - )
- Margaret, ( - )
- Markham, Thomas (ABT 1801 - )
- Meriet, Margaret ( - )
- Mill, daughter ( - )
- Mill, Jabez (ABT 1848 - )
- Mill, John (ABT 1804 - )
- Mill, Julia (ABT 1843 - )
- Mitchell, George (ABT 1806 - )
- Mitchell, John (ABT 1826 - )
- Mitchell, Joshua (ABT 1777 - )
- Mohun, Penelope (ABT 1615 - )
- Montgomery, Gabrielle (ABT 1560 - )
- Moody, Charles (ABT 1826 - )
- Moody, Jane (ABT 1808 - )
- Moody, John (1846 - )
- Moody, Mary Ann (1829 - )
- Moody, Robert (ABT 1735 - )
- Moody, Susanna (ABT 1793 - )
- Moody, William (ABT 1809 - )
- Moor, Husband (ABT 1819 - )
- Moore, Humphrey ( - )
- Moore, Morris ( - )
- Morgan, Anne (ABT 1525 - )
- Morgan, Christopher ( - )
- Mounce, Helen (ABT 1860 - )
- Mounce, Richard ( - )
- Mourton, Wife ? (ABT 1300 - )
- Muncaster, Louisa Theodosia ( - )
- Murrin, Daughter ( - )
- Murrin, Edward (ABT 1780 - )
- Murrin, Edward (ABT 1821 - )
- Murrin, Elizabeth (ABT 1829 - )
- Mussell, George (ABT 1808 - )
- Mussell, Harriet (ABT 1784 - )
- Mussellwhite, Mary Ann (ABT 1821 - )
- Mussellwhite, William (ABT 1801 - )
- Newman, Elizabeth (ABT 1799 - )
- Newman, John (ABT 1806 - )
- Newman, John (ABT 1830 - )
- Newman, William (ABT 1812 - )
- Nicholas, Albert (1846 - )
- Nicholas, Charles (ABT 1813 - )
- Nicholas, Charles (ABT 1826 - )
- Nicholas, Margaret (ABT 1730 - )
- Noble, Henry (ABT 1814 - )
- Noble, Mary (ABT 1702 - )
- Noble, William (1834 - )
- Norris, Elizabeth (ABT 1752 - )
- Noyes, Hanah (ABT 1801 - )
- Nutbeem, James (ABT 1810 - )
- Nutbeem, Sarah (ABT 1830 - )
- Nutter, Abigail (1632 - 1674)
- Nutter, Anthony (ABT 1580 - )
- Nutter, Anthony (ABT 1630 - 19 OCT 1686)
- Nutter, Elizabeth (ABT 1623 - )
- Nutter, Hatevil (1602 - 30 JUN 1675)
- Nutter, John (ABT 1623 - 1674)
- Nutter, Mary (ABT 1623 - )
- Oakford, Benjamin (ABT 1734 - )
- Orchard, Christiana (ABT 1420 - )
- Paulet, Elizabeth ( - )
- Paulet, William ( - )
- Perrier, Hannah (ABT 1786 - )
- Persse, Jocelyn Arthur ( - BEF 1948)
- Peverell, Catherine (ABT 1340 - )
- Philip, ( - )
- Pickerill, Joseph (ABT 1833 - )
- Pickerill, Mary Ann (1853 - )
- Pike, Eli (ABT 1836 - )
- Pike, Ellen (1856 - )
- Plantagenet, Alice (12 MAR 1278/79 - 1291)
- Plantagenet, Alphonso (24 NOV 1273 - 19 AUG 1284)
- Plantagenet, Anne (APR 1383 - 16 OCT 1438)
- Plantagenet, Beatrice (1255 - )
- Plantagenet, Beatrice ( - )
- Plantagenet, Berengaria (1276 - ABT 1277)
- Plantagenet, Blanche (1256 - 1369)
- Plantagenet, Edmund ( - )
- Plantagenet, Edward II (25 APR 1274 - 21 SEP 1327)
- Plantagenet, Eleanor (17 JUN 1264 - 12 OCT 1297)
- Plantagenet, Eleanor ( - )
- Plantagenet, Elizabeth (7 AUG 1282 - 5 MAY 1316)
- Plantagenet, Henry (13 JUL 1267 - ABT 14 OCT 1274)
- Plantagenet, Henry ( - )
- Plantagenet, Henry ( - )
- Plantagenet, Humphrey (ABT 1381 - 1399)
- Plantagenet, Isabel (12 MAR 1384/85 - )
- Plantagenet, Isabel ( - )
- Plantagenet, Joan (BEF 7 SEP 1265 - BEF 7 SEP 1265)
- Plantagenet, Joan (1272 - 23 APR 1307)
- Plantagenet, Joan (ABT 1384 - )
- Plantagenet, John (10 JUL 1266 - 1 AUG 1272)
- Plantagenet, John ( - )
- Plantagenet, Julian (Katherine) (BEF 5 SEP 1271 - BEF 5 SEP 1271)
- Plantagenet, Katherine ( - )
- Plantagenet, Margaret (11 SEP 1275 - 1318)
- Plantagenet, Margaret ( - )
- Plantagenet, Mary (11 MAR 1277/78 - BEF 22 JUL 1332)
- Plantagenet, Philippa (ABT 1389 - )
- Plantagenet, Richard ( - )
- Plantagenet, Thomas (7 JAN 1354/55 - 15 SEP 1396)
- Plantagenet, William ( - )
- Pmeroy, St. Clare ( - )
- Pollard, Margaret ( - )
- Polwin, Alfred Edward (1866 - )
- Polwin, Samuel (ABT 1846 - )
- Pomeroy, Elizabeth ( - )
- Pope, Louisa (1843 - )
- Pope, William (ABT 1823 - )
- Poulett, John ( - )
- Poulett, Margaret (ABT 1643 - )
- Poulton, Thomas (ABT 1806 - )
- Poulton, William (ABT 1826 - )
- Pratt, Elizabeth (ABT 1829 - )
- Pratt, Thomas (ABT 1809 - )
- Prior, Elizabeth (1808 - )
- Provence, Eleanor of ( - )
- Quinton, Elizabeth (ABT 1823 - )
- Quinton, William (ABT 1803 - )
- Ralence, Mary (ABT 1744 - )
- Randoll, Henry (ABT 1728 - )
- Reynolds, Jane (ABT 1800 - )
- Reynolds, Louisa (ABT 1845 - )
- Richards, Ann (1827 - )
- Richards, Jonathan (ABT 1807 - )
- Richardson, ( - )
- Rnes, Moses (ABT 1747 - )
- Roberts, Abigail (1649 - )
- Roberts, Hatevil (ABT 1656 - )
- Roberts, John (ABT 1632 - )
- Roberts, John (ABT 1656 - )
- Roberts, Joseph (1660 - )
- Roberts, Mary (1665 - )
- Roberts, Sarah (1664 - )
- Roberts, Thomas (ABT 1612 - )
- Roberts, Thomas (ABT 1656 - )
- Rodgers, Laura Katherine ( - )
- Rogers, Thomas ( - )
- Rolfe, Jane (ABT 1793 - )
- Rook, Mary (ABT 1773 - )
- Rooke, Beatrice Mary ( - )
- Routly, Alfred (15 APR 1857 - )
- Routly, Caroline Carrie (23 SEP 1858 - 1 MAR 1947)
- Routly, Elizabeth Ann (30 JUN 1850 - ABT 1935)
- Routly, Emanual E. (1848 - )
- Routly, Emanuel Cole ( - 16 AUG 1911)
- Routly, Emily (20 AUG 1865 - )
- Routly, Frederick (15 APR 1858 - 23 APR 1909)
- Routly, John Jack (9 APR 1854 - 2 OCT 1916)
- Routly, Laura Jane (15 APR 1866 - 20 JAN 1885)
- Routly, Mary (1851 - )
- Routly, Mathew Emanuel (25 NOV 1862 - )
- Routly, Matthew (2 DEC 1871 - )
- Routly, Owen (27 MAR 1868 - 1938)
- Routly, Richard Fulford (12 AUG 1860 - 1933)
- Routly, Roseabelle Rosia (6 FEB 1864 - )
- Routly, William Henry (31 JUL 1852 - 17 DEC 1926)
- Russell, Isabella (ABT 1816 - 1893)
- Russell, James ( - )
- Russell, James ( - )
- Russell, John ( - )
- Russell, John ( - )
- Sames, Garrard (ABT 1602 - )
- Samways, Anne ( - )
- Samways, Bernard ( - )
- Samways, Elizabeth (1585 - )
- Samways, Elizabeth ( - )
- Samways, Henry ( - )
- Sandiford, William (ABT 1636 - )
- Savery, Elizabeth ( - )
- Shapleigh, Elizabeth (ABT 1600 - )
- Shapton, Elizabeth (ABT 1762 - )
- Shergold, George (ABT 1810 - )
- Shergold, George (ABT 1830 - )
- Sidenham, John ( - )
- Smith, Dorothy (ABT 1839 - )
- Smith, Edward (ABT 1819 - )
- Smith, Elizabeth (ABT 1847 - )
- Smith, Samuel (ABT 1827 - )
- Spencer, Margaret (ABT 1460 - )
- Spencer, Robert (ABT 1440 - )
- St. George, ( - )
- St. George, Henry ( - )
- St. George, Rosamond (ABT 1340 - )
- Stafford, Anne ( - )
- Stafford, Edmund (2 MAR 1376/77 - 21 JUL 1403)
- Stafford, Hugh (ABT 1345 - OCT 1386)
- Stafford, Humprhey ( - )
- Stafford, Philippa ( - )
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Created by Lola Pigott's combination of IGM by Tim Doyle and Randy Winch
and WebbedGed by Dan Pidcock and Paul Rawlins. -- Version 1.0
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